HMH International

Let us help you grow your business through the web

HMH helps businesses to source a wide range of products from top manufacturers and suppliers. They help their clients succeed by creating the best business identities, and shipping experiences and sourcing the right products that communicate clearly their aims and help them achieve their business goals.

Their mission is to supply to our customers through our online ecommerce platform in a fast and convenient way.


Expand market presence and drive business growth for HMH International Trade through the development of a website and strategic social media ad campaigns.


Website Development Branding and Visual Identity Content Creation and Localization Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Social Media Advertising Campaigns


HMH International Trade will establish a strong online presence, effectively showcasing its services and attracting potential clients. The website and targeted social media ad campaigns will drive lead generation, increase brand awareness, and contribute to business profitability.

Website Development: Our team of experienced developers will create a professional, user-friendly website for HMH International Trade. The website will have a modern design, intuitive navigation, and seamless functionality. It will be optimized for search engines and built to provide an exceptional user experience across desktop and mobile devices.

Branding and Visual Identity: We will develop a distinct brand identity for HMH International Trade, ensuring consistency and professionalism across all marketing materials. This includes designing a compelling logo, selecting a cohesive color palette, and creating visual elements that effectively represent the company's international trade expertise and global appeal.

Content Creation and Localization: To engage potential clients from various regions, we will create compelling and localized content that highlights HMH International Trade's services, competitive advantages, and industry expertise. Our team will ensure that the content is culturally relevant, resonates with the target markets, and effectively communicates the company's value proposition.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): By implementing robust SEO strategies, we will optimize the website's visibility in search engine results. Through thorough keyword research, on-page optimization, and content optimization, we will improve organic rankings and drive targeted traffic to the website. This will enhance HMH International Trade's online discoverability and generate valuable leads.

Social Media Advertising Campaigns: Our team will create and manage strategic social media advertising campaigns tailored to HMH International Trade's target audience. By leveraging platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, we will reach potential clients in the international trade industry. The campaigns will be designed to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate high-quality leads for the company.

With the implementation of these solutions, HMH International Trade will establish a robust online presence, attract potential clients, and expand its business opportunities. The website and targeted social media ad campaigns will serve as powerful tools to generate leads, increase brand visibility, and contribute to business profitability.

High Conversion

Brand Boosted

High Awareness 

From The Client

We are extremely satisfied with the services provided by Mikael Digital. They developed a visually appealing website for HMH International Trade that effectively showcases our services and attracts potential clients. The strategic social media ad campaigns they created have significantly increased our brand awareness and generated valuable leads. Mikael Digital's expertise, professionalism, and commitment to delivering outstanding results have been instrumental in our business growth.

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